Rising Into Your True Self – February 2020 – Adamas Suzman

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Adam the creator of Liberation and co-creator of Redemption & Blue Lotus wrote a beautiful piece on his own personal journey in the Facebook Group

We felt called to share it here with the rest of you connected to this iniative

“Rising out of the abyss and everything is as it should be, the ease and flow of the natural state of the human mind engaged once again once the discursive patterning has been banished.

Full power once again and it feels like a layer of neurotic conditioning has been shed once and for all.

How many times we need to go back down the spiral of our own patterning until we rise unchained is inconceivable but,each time the descent seems shorter and more absolute and each time the ascent reminds us that the descent was just binding illusion we were playing into and we are less likely to buy into its varied story lines the next time.

A certain level of calm ruthlessness that quite simply will not tolerate either its own silliness or the indulgences of others has arisen, and in this lies a certain peace the peace of the yogi sitting on the mountain top looking down on the world below.

The memory recall does not stop it just morphs into a play of possibility as all sorts of people from the past still appear to play a part in the new epic that is taking form.

Once we have broken most conceptual structures of the way things should or even could be we are truly free to pursue whatever dreams we have been cradling in our psyche.

Ironically it is only once we have reset the field and taken a good look at everything around at the bottom of the pits of despair that everything becomes clear.

We cannot forget of course that there are now hundreds of millions of Chinese living in fear of some invisible creeping doom and this miasm of this thought and emotional charge is something we all have to deal with.

This can be sword hanging over our heads or it can be a sky top canopy we break through like an eagle and then use our liberated perspective to forge a new reality.

Either way it is something we all have to deal with, but when something seems impossible or hopeless we are driven to break the sword and reconfigure everything into a form that makes sense, a form without fear even in the face of despair.

It is possible and it is what needs to happen for us to liberate ourselves and in truth adverse situations are in truth huge possibilities as we can use this very fear to drive us through the wall and into the pure lands on the other side.

For me the breaking of the fragile form we hold up in our heads as our selves has been hugely liberating and in truth necessary for me to engage the next steps in my own personal evolution and is something i highly recommend as it is only from this place beyond fear that we are able to access an infinite pool of creativity which is our natural state.

So much of reality is dictated by circumstances, people governments, society and family but when we step outside of this loop we access a level of possibility that is a wellspring of hope and potential and this is the benefit of the deep dive into the pit in order to ascend like the phoenix we truly are.

From here well who knows in truth but with the armor of hope and sword of creativity in our hand there is little that can stop us regardless of what direction we take as to live our lives to their fullest is truly the reason we are here in the first place..


Of course – Liberation, Redemption and Blue Lotus are the remedy creations in which look to further facilitate this journey of inward looking, releasing from overwhelm and stepping into the person we all desire to be.

This journey continues to take new heights in 2020 and these remedies are here to support you on this journey in a way you may have never experienced before.

Use the promo code “awaken25” for 25% your next order HERE

Be sure to also watch “How To Use Liberation The remedy Most Effectively

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